
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Restful Peaceful Sunday

Good morning Sunshines! Glorious day, birds, sunshine, hot hot hot, yikes! Triple digits again but, BUT it's a GREAT DAY none the less! It will be filled with editing, dreaded cleaning and the possibilities of a re-do paint job and decoupage on an old piece found at Spring Jamboree here in town a couple of months ago.

Here are some before pictures. This was sitting in the grass at the Jamboree and I have somewhat of a good eye on measurements (I can't measure but I got a good eye!) And I thought this would "fit" in under the kit cabinet counter. There is a space there, not used and so wasted!

Well this is a good one! I did good! LOL REALLY GOOD! Without a tape measure I went for it! Check out the pictures! I am going to pop over to the Graphics Fairy and see what I can find for the door! Must be something FRENCH! and OOH LA LA! :) It was already an off white and Shabbitized so really, almost complete! I love the patina it came with!

Will post the After pics when done, hopefully this week! Wish me luck! Wishing you and yours a wonderful, peaceful,restful,healthy and fun Sunday!
Hugs, Kat =^/^=

Needless to say, I have really scared myself this time! I am getting better with the "eye balling" thing as you can see, this thing "JUST" fits! LOL I could have not made it from scratch to fit any better! WOW, pattin myself on the back on this find! LOL

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's Saturday Nite! Wo Hoooooooooooooooooooooo

So get up and have a dance! This should get you up and on the feet! Enjoy One of my favorite remixes! :) It is a funny thing I would SING and DANCE my heart out to this song and my grands would laugh at me....ella ella ella! I don't care :) I will be dancin tonite as I get some STUFF done! Won't you join me! Enjoy, I love you! xoxoxox Kat =^.^=

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gnome-Body's Home! **UPDATE **UPDATE! I LIED!


okokok so I don't wanna clean today I wanna decorate! so here are a few pictures! Me and House are talking and it's HAMMERTIME as well! LOL

Small delicate Shabby plates are going on the wall, in just the right place now. I am SO inspired by you bloggers! Such beautiful blogs, pictures, verbiage, I laugh, cry, get SO VERY INSPIRED!

So THANK YOU guys today and everyday! You don't know how much I need and love to look and to Follow your beautiful sites! I also thank you for visiting here and leaving such loving comments! I read each and every one! You guys are the BEST MOST AMAZING CREATIVE AWESOME PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH! It's hard to leave the computer!!!! LOL xoxoxox Kat =^.^=

So here is what I'm workin on today, Retro Kitchen, the List!  Camera Tricks, lol, in my minds eye! my sharp man, yep he is pretty SHARP! Bon Appetit!, if you listen really hard, you can hear me soundin like JULIA! Love her! LOL

 And just re-arranging some things! I am still editing stuff, so hard! I know you all can relate! So on to the pics....xo

Hi and happy Friday! Plannin a Gnome Day, if you're are lookin for me, I'll be under a tree!

(I'm a dreamer!!!! I'll be doin my Cleaning and Laundry Lady thingie! :) and maybe a crafty thingie or three! Have fun!

Have a great weekend Sunshines! Hugs =^.^=

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday Thoughts!

Hello Sunshines! Looking through my stash of pictures of my beauty of a little town, Boulder City Nevada, "A World Away in a Day" I must share with you even at over 100 deg ( pretty close to 110 plus deg!) this georgeous park that is so beautiful! A place to feed the ducks, have a picnic, fish, let the kids run in the water park!

There is a BMX bike area, a Dog Park, a skateboard area and it is just so clean and green.

If ever you visit please stop by this wonderful park! What you will see here is just a small part of this beautiful place! Hugs Kat =^.^=

Veteran's Memorial Park

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blue Garden Chandy

Hi and happy Wednesday! I am sharing another one of my re-purposed thrift store chandeliers! This can be accomplished in one afternoon, instant gratification!

You can hang these anywhere, over your table or under the tree! Add some sand to the teacups and you have a tea light holder, or fill with bird seed, or just water for the birds, they don't care! You could also plant small succulents in there too.

I was lucky with this one, the color was already shabby beige so all I had to do was remove the electrical and glue the teacups on top. I used liquid nails for this one! I also was lucky enough to find enough of the same teacups too! But think how cute if each one was different! Or if you added a saucer, upside down! Just endless possibilities!
Thursday and Friday, Saturday new link to Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Nite Special! Love her site!

Linking up to Crafty Geordi today, Show and Share Sunday!


Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Transformation Thursday

DIY by Design]
Blog Party

Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home


House of Grace


Enjoy, Kat =^.^=

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Gift from the Garden!

Hi! Hope everyone had a GREAT TUESDAY!?

I got a lovely gift of a rather large "tomato" today, I am so sorry I didn't take a picture of this beauty before I sliced it!

It came from my friends garden! She grew it! In this heat! See, with a lot of love and water you can do anything!

I added my herbs,some celery some sliced bell peppers, and there we go! Dinner is Served! Lucky ME!

Thank you my friend! It was delis! Hugs Kat =^.^=

Monday, June 20, 2011

Holy Jalapeno!

Well....... where do I begin the story of trying to kill myself with a medium size jalapeno today!

No kiddin! There I was, the happy homemaker in the kitchen, making my Salsa, singing away, I yai yai ayaiiiiiiiiiiiiii   THE corn and black bean salsa, I love that stuff, gettin pretty good at it too (now pattin myself on the back, literally, cause I'm still all choked up) and jeeze I cut that thing open, apparently there are fumes in it??? like a darn onion only worse!  Noone told me! Gee thanks guys!

I DON'T KNOW BUT, I started to choke! and choke, and I couldn't breathe!  Stay calm! a huh!

What do you do, throw yourself out on the patio? Drop the knife and run! Calm down, Oh no that's scissors! hehe I know, stop drop and ROLLLLL? Nope that didn't work either! Hummmm now what! Well, call 911? nope, didn't put on make-up today would scare the daylights outta the cops or the firemen whoever would show up! Step away from the phone!

Hummm, run down the street screaming? Nope, new neighborhood, might scare them, thar she goes again, that krazy new neighbor, or they would watch laughing hysterically ! Hum, I give, go lay down and rest for a second........nope, that didn't work either! My air just got cut off! How about SCREAMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Yeah! helped a little! Mouth open, nothing coming out except fumes!

All I know is that THEY DON'T LIKE ME! Second time for this, this time was BAD or WORSE-R LOL than the first time, it was all in my head you see....the first time, I didn't believe it either , however, I did touch my face the last time (not this time) and the last time after my face caught fire (really? really!) it finally quieted down, and I was relieved of the face pain until I took the shower with the water and the water touched the face pain and oh WOW THAT was BAD! Did anyone tell ya it will FLAIR up again when WATER HITS it? So I was more careful this time you see, or so I thought, only just breathing did it! SO.....

SO my corn and black bean salsa will no longer have any hop-e-lenes in there ANYMORE! :) and THAT's the TRUTH! Everyone said be careful, so I thought, short of wearing rubber gloves, a breathing mask, a hoodie and sun glasses, well I thought I was covered, guess not! who knew!  The RANT is OVER! I am SO OVER JALAPENOS!  (Unless one can buy them already cut up at the market!) there will be no more in MY SALSA! Lesson learned! for the second time! :D

All of this under the careful eye of my Three Amigos! my little chihuahua brothers, who just looked at each other in amazement thinking Gee Mom we eat worse stuff than that, with no problems! Whats sup!

So my friends, I leave you today, pooped, red-eyed, tears still flowing a little, with breathing problems wishing you a great week! Me? I won't be in the kitchen anytime soon, the fumes are still hanging in there! I can SEE THEM! Oh wait a minute, I remember now, I can't see clearly just yet either!

Love hack hack Kat hack hack hackkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! :) =^!^=

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sassy Saturday! Goat Feathers!!!

Good mornin sunshines! It's Saturday and I am off in a little while to spruce up my booth at Goat Feathers here in Boulder City! It is like a living thing, each time I go in there is more to see and new things brought in daily by our Dealers! It really does take one back to childhood! And not to mention it is a blast with the oldies music and old films playing constantly around the 8,000 sq feet of this place.

It used to be the Hoover Dam Laundry, where they washed all the workers clothes that built the dam, and some say it was a really hot (as in heat!) place in there back in the day! I cannot imagine! It is brick, lumber and concrete and pipes! All the architecture is still there in the building and it's like a history lesson.  It is for sure a place to frequent! If you do visit, you might plan on a few hours to look the place over! I hear people laughing and chatting, it just brings back so many memories for me too! :)

Father's Day is tomorrow! Wishing all those wonderful Daddy's everywhere, a very happy one! I would be remiss if I didn't mention my son, who is in his mama's eyes, the best Daddy ever! My son the work-a-holic, however, he spends and does things with his children whenever possible! He is the greatest and I am so very proud of him and in more ways than I can mention here! I love you Joey!

Here are some pictures I hope you enjoy and get a chuckle out of today from Goat Feathers Dealers booths, various, Phyllis, Zelda, and a self-portrait LOL, Niki and mine!

Have a wonderful and fun weekend everyone! Plan that special special day on Sunday won't you? :) Love Kat =^^=

This is my Booth! This is the year of First's for me and this is one of them, I am new to the Booth thing and having fun learning about How To! :) I have met the most dear friends doing so as well, they are sharing with me and it is wonderful!

Niki and her hubby photog! Beautiful pictures! mouse pads, coasters wall hangings! He is a WONDER with the camera!

Cheryl (aka Zelda) a self-portrait! (her words! haha) Are you sittin down?

This next booth belongs to Phyllis! She has a very nostalgic booth as you will see. I like to stand in there and just look at everything because there are so many memories for me, Corning ware, Fuller brush, Tupperware (the oldies) Pyrex, remember them?

When I was a child I had the most beautiful clear acrylic hair brush from Fuller, see how we remember these things? This one picture is of the Fuller brush (teal color round) closet deodorizer that they used to hang up to keep the bugs out! Now we should be using the cedar chips in there! :D My Nana and Mom used a lot of Fuller Brush things!

Last but certainly not least is my Goat Feathers Antique place! We are located behind the Boulder City Historic Hotel. If you come up to visit, plan to spend the day! Our downtown is all within walking distance to eaterys and all of them are great! :) The Park is a great place to plan a picnic, there are several of them, one specifically with the water features for the kiddies! They can also feed the duck family on the lake and fish, just a lot to do and a very fun place to walk around with that small town feel! I am so very blessed to live here! Enjoy...